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Email Communication

  • Piazza is the preferred platform if you have questions to ask or issues to raise (either publicly to your classmates or privately to the instructors).

  • But if you must use email, please use only your official NUS email for communication with the teaching staff -- either the one with or

  • Prefix your email subject with [CS1010].

  • If you email us privately, and we feel that your questions/answers are useful to the rest of the class, we will publish it on Piazza, with anonymization when appropriate.

Tutorial and Lab Sessions

  • Attendance is not compulsory at NUS, but we do take attendance during the tutorial and lab sessions for contract tracing purposes.

  • You should stick to your allocated time slot for labs and tutorials. If there is a strong reason for you to attend another session, please inform your tutor.

Late Submissions

  • All programming assignments must be submitted on time. If you need an extension, please apply for one with a justification. Only academic reasons and compassionate reasons can be considered (e.g., representing NUS for a sports event is OK; Attending a wedding is not).

  • For late submission, there is a 1% penalty (of the total assessment grade) for every 5-minutes after the deadline, capped at 80%. For example, if an assessment that was given 40 marks was submitted 100 minutes after the deadline, the student will get 32 marks instead (20% penalty). If it is submitted 10 hours after the deadline, the student will get 8 marks (as the cap of 80% penalty has been reached).

  • No submission will be accepted a week after the deadline.

Discussions and Plagiarism

  • We encourage discussions among students for programming assignments, but each student should be responsible for writing his/her code and should give credits to others when appropriate.

  • NUS and the School of Computing have a high standard of academic honesty and take any violation seriously. In the context of computing modules, source code plagiarism -- copying code from another source and attributing it to one's code -- is a serious violation. Please read the page Preventing Plagiarism on the school's website to familiarize yourself with the policy.

  • I adopt a "no mercy" policy when it comes to disciplinary action on plagiarism. Both parties, the student who copied, and the student who allowed others to copy, will be penalized equally.

Lecture Video

  • The recorded zoom video will be recorded and posted online 1-2 days after the lecture. This will be done on a 'best effort' basis and lecture videos will not be guaranteed to be available on time or at all.

  • Posting videos is meant to help students who attended the lecture recap the content or to help those who are not able to attend the lecture due to unexpected circumstances. It does not mean that you should skip the lecture. Research has shown that the effect of over-reliance on lecture videos is negative.

Model Solutions and Slides

  • Slides will be posted after the class. Note that slides are used as a visual aid to assist me during the lectures. It is not meant as a summary of lectures nor a replacement of lecture notes.

  • In a module like CS1010, there is often not a single correct answer. Hence, there is no model solution for this module. Sample solutions may be posted (both good and bad ones) for discussion. I strongly encourage students to discuss your solution with the teaching team, instead of just comparing your solution with the sample solution.


  • Students will receive the grades they deserve irrespective of how the other students in the class perform (i.e., no bell curve).

  • In other words, the number of A and F grades will not be artificially capped.

Open Book Assessment

  • All assessments, including both practical exams, the midterm test, and the final assessment, are open book assessments -- you can bring in your notes or other analog reference materials.

  • There is nothing to memorize for this class.