class: middle, center # CS1010 ## Programming Methodology
.tiny[ Use `k` and `j` to navigate up and down ] --- class: middle, center # Lecture 1 ### 12 August 2024 Admin Matters
Unit 1: **What is a Program?**
Unit 2: **Computational Problems & Algorithms**
--- class: middle, center ### Ooi Wei Tsang __Office__ : AS6 05-14 __Office Hour__ : Tuesday 1 - 2 PM --- class: middle, center ### Eldon Chung __Office__ : COM3 03-28 __Office Hour__ : Friday 11 - 12 PM --- class: top ### [Teaching Team]( - **2 lecturers + lab tutors** - Wei Tsang, Eldon - **4 tutorial instructors** - Eric, Gizem, Malaika, Yunjeong - **25 UG lab tutors** --- class: middle, center ### Please read this: [CS1010 Course Information and Policy]( --- class: middle, center ## Important Websites --- class: top, center ### CS1010 Handbook [``]( lecture notes
problem sets
programming exercises
--- class: middle, center, wide ### Piazza [``]( ask questions
--- class: middle, center ### GitHub [``]( programming exercise submissions
programming exercise feedback
--- class: middle, center ### Canvas [``]( announcements
etc. --- class: middle, center ### RT (Request Ticket) [``]( request to be excused from tests
request for regrade
etc. --- class: middle, center ## Assessments how you will be graded --- class: middle,center .cols[ .fifty[ .tiny[ ### Formative | Percentage -----------------:|:-------------- Quizzes | 5% Programming Exercises | 5% Problem Sets | 0% Past Year Papers | 0% ]] .fifty[ .tiny[ ### Summative | Percentage -----------------:|:-------------- Midterm | 15% Final | 30% 3$\times$ Practical Exams | 45% ]]] --- ### Programming Exercises - The most important formative component of CS1010. - 60+ practice questions of various difficulties. - Complete them to gain the skills and confidence of solving computational problems --- class: middle,center .smaller[ Assessment | Date | Time :------------------|:-------------------------- |:------------- Midterm | Mon, 30 Sep | 4 - 6 PM Final | Fri, 25 Nov | 1 - 3 PM Practical Exam 0 | Tue, 1 Oct | 6 - 9 PM Practical Exam 1 | Tue, 22 Oct | 6 - 9 PM Practical Exam 2 | Tue, 12 Nov | 6 - 9 PM ] --- class:top ### Open Book Exam - Bring any (analog) materials you want - Nothing to memorize --- class:top ### Not "bell-curved" - Your grade is based solely on you - Not relative to others in the class --- class: center,middle ## Expectations --- class: center,middle You are responsible for your own education. Self-motivated to work hard, learn, and improve. --- class: center,middle The teaching team is here to facilitate and help. Don't be afraid to ask questions. --- background-image: url(figures/meme/andy-too-afraid-to-ask.png) --- class: center,middle Help each other to learn and succeed. --- background-image: url(figures/not-alone.jpg) --- class: center,middle Read instructions and adhere to [the policies]( Respect deadlines. --- class: center,middle ## Words of Advice --- class: middle,center ### CS1010 is difficult but useful --- background-color: #000 background-image: url(figures/reddit_cs1010_made_me_cry.png) --- class: middle,center ### Work hard consistently Invest time to learn and practice Don't fall behind --- class: middle,center ### This is a fresh start It does not matter: how well you did academically
how much you know about programming --- class: middle,center ### Grade is not everything Focus on: learning new things
level-up your skills
enriching your experience
--- class: middle,center ### Take care of yourself Mental wellness is important. If you can't cope or is falling behind, talk to us. --- class: middle, center # Lecture 1 ### 12 August 2024 Admin Matters
Unit 1: **What is a Program?**
Unit 2: **Computational Problems and Algorithms**
--- class: middle,center ## What is a program? --- class: middle,center ### A sequence of step-by-step instructions given to computers to process data in order to perform a certain task. --- class: center background-color:#fff ### How CPU Executes a Program .fit[![simplified](../notes/figures/cpu-memory/cpu-memory-pdf.png)] .tiny[(A highly simplfied view)] --- ### Machine Code - Instructions that can be interpreted by a CPU - Different CPU architecture may use different instruction sets `1001010001011110100010101010101000101` --- ### Assembly Language - Use mnemonic to represent the instructions such as `incr`, `decr`, `store`, etc. in a more human-readable way. - Still difficult to write: operation that is conceptually simple still requires multiple instructions to be issued. --- ### Higher-Level Language - Allow programmers to express an operation closer to their intention - E.g., $x = x + y$ if $y < 0$ --- ### Higher-Level Languages - FORTRAN (first popular programming language from 1950s) - C (1972, still influential today) - [Many many others]( --- class: wide
--- class: top ### Why C? - It lets you have more control over how you use memory. - It forces students to think and understand how machine works. - It is fast. Important for InfoSec and CEG students. --- background-color:#fff ### Compilation A compiler _compiles_ a program written in high-level language to machine code. .fit[![simplified](../notes/figures/c-compile-run/c-compile-run-pdf-0.png)] --- class: middle,center ## What will you learn in CS1010? --- class: middle,center ### How a C program behaves --- class: middle,center ### How to write C programs --- class: middle,center ### Tools and techniques to write good and correct C programs --- class: middle,center,wide ### How to use C to solve computational problems --- class: middle ### *Easy*: Write a program that does what you want ### *Harder*: Knowing what your program should do --- class: middle,center ## What is a computational problem? --- class: middle ### Computational problems - are problems that can be solved _step-by-step_ by a computer - have _well-defined_ inputs, outputs, and constraints --- class: middle,center ### Example: Testing if integer is odd ![:scale 75%](../notes/figures/lec01/oddness.png) --- class: middle,center ### Example: Is the input number a prime? ![:scale 75%](../notes/figures/lec01/primality.png) --- class: middle,center #### Example: Output the triangle in a network. ![:scale 75%](../notes/figures/lec01/triangle.png) --- class: middle,center ### What is the meaning of life? ![:scale 75%](../notes/figures/lec01/notwelldefined.png) --- class: middle,center ### Do I look good in this outfit? ![:scale 75%](../notes/figures/lec01/notwelldefined.png) --- class: top ### Types of Computational Problems: 1. Decision problems (e.g. Is there a path from point A to point B on a map?) -- 2. Search problems (e.g. Output a path from point A to point B if it exists.) -- 3. Optimization problems (e.g. Output the _shortest_ path from point A to point B if it exists.) --- class: middle,center ### The Point: #### In this course, we are in the business of writing programs to solve computational problems. .fit[![:scale 75%](../notes/figures/lec01/wearegiven.png)] --- class: middle,center ### The Point: #### In this course, we are in the business of writing programs to solve computational problems. .fit[![:scale 75%](../notes/figures/lec01/whatwedo.png)] --- class: center ### Let's start with an experiment: What I need you to do: -- Pay special attention to your methods and strategy on how you solve the given problem. --- class: center #### Find the maximum among this list of numbers: ``` 5 9 8 1 3 2 ``` -- So what was your strategy? --- class: center ### How about now? What's the maximum number here? .tiny[ ``` 12 20 11 20 14 2 24 36 43 16 27 6 11 7 10 15 38 10 22 7 16 26 32 30 11 9 30 6 20 6 27 19 26 10 27 6 19 34 5 9 3 22 10 4 13 1 10 22 43 36 39 29 41 12 13 25 17 8 30 31 29 38 2 42 7 45 24 33 9 40 34 29 37 2 26 17 19 34 6 7 34 22 21 41 38 5 15 13 9 1 42 39 5 29 38 4 22 29 41 10 26 32 30 26 16 16 18 22 32 34 14 10 5 17 25 16 19 6 31 16 3 13 8 42 41 0 13 30 44 1 41 14 5 39 40 38 6 37 38 9 . ``` ] -- What was your strategy this time? --- class: top ### How close does this match what you tried? -- 1. Scan the integers one-by-one -- 2. Keep track of the "max so far" -- 3. When we are done scanning, the "max so far" will be the answer. --- class: top ### Did you do any of the following: -- 1. Use an arbitrary/random sequence to go through the numbers? -- 2. Look at groups of numbers at a go? -- 3. Double back to look at the same numbers you already did? --- class: top ### Computational Thinking: The thing is, computers aren't exactly like humans. They don't look at the list like this: .fit[![](../notes/figures/lec01/lookall.jpeg)] --- class: top ### Computational Thinking: It's easier for them to process singular values one by one: .fit[![](../notes/figures/lec01/look1.jpeg)] --- class: top ### Computational Thinking: It's easier for them to process singular values one by one: .fit[![](../notes/figures/lec01/look1.jpeg)] --- class: top ### Computational Thinking: It's easier for them to process singular values one by one: .fit[![](../notes/figures/lec01/look2.jpeg)] .footnote[This is not entirely true, but that is a very advanced topic.] --- class: top ### Computational Thinking: It's easier for them to process singular values one by one: .fit[![](../notes/figures/lec01/look3.jpeg)] .footnote[This is not entirely true, but that is a very advanced topic.] --- class: top ### Computational Thinking: It's easier for them to process singular values one by one: .fit[![](../notes/figures/lec01/look4.jpeg)] .footnote[This is not entirely true, but that is a very advanced topic.] --- class: top ### Computational Thinking: Also, they are very good at following precise instructions. So we will try to get them to read the list in a _fixed sequence_. E.g. From first number to last number. --- class: top ### Computational Thinking: Lastly, computers are really good at remembering things. So unlike us humans, they don't need to "double back" to re-check their results. --- class: top ### Computational Thinking: Let's try to be less human 🤖 and try to get a computer to follow the same strategy. -- To do this, we need to do a few things: -- 1. A problem formulation. (So that we know what the computer is given as input.) -- 2. A fixed set of instructions. (This describes the strategy to implement.) --- class: top ### Step 1: General Problem Formulation - Input: $L$ = $\langle l\_0,...,l\_{k-1\} \rangle$ - Output: $m$ - Constraint $m$ should be from the input list $L$ and $m$ is the largest value among all of the values in $L$. --- class: top ### Step 2: Designing an implementable strategy. But wait! We haven't told what kind of steps computers can make. And this is tricky --- class: top ### Step 2 Detour: The Program Model. We think of a program as something that
. --- class: top ### Step 2 Detour: The Program Model. We think of a program as something that
. Here,
is stored in _variables_. - E.g. $m$ could be a variable remembers the maximum value seen so far. --- class: top ### Step 2 Detour: The Program Model. We think of a program as something that
. Here,
is stored in _variables_. - E.g. $m$ could be a variable remembers the maximum value seen so far. - We can also _read_ and _write_ values to variables. E.g. $m = 5$ sets $m$ to $5$. $m = z$, sets $m$ to whatever value $z$ had. --- class: top ### Step 2 Detour: The Program Model. We think of a program as something that
can also be stored in _lists_. - E.g. our input is in the form of a list $L = \langle l\_0,...,l\_{k-1\} \rangle$. -- - E.g. $l_0$ gives us the first element of $L$. And $l_1$ gives us the second element of $L$, and so on. --- class: top ### Step 2 Detour: The Program Model. We think of a program as something that
can also be stored in _lists_. Important Note: A _variable_ has a corresponding location in computer memory, and it holds a value. --- class: top ### Step 2 Detour: The Program Model. We think of a program as something that
. To
data, we operate on the variables. --- class: top ### Step 2 Detour: The Program Model. We think of a program as something that
. To
data, we operate on the variables. - We will allow comparisons $<, >, =$, and basic arithmetic operations ($+$, $-$, $\times$, $\div$, $mod$). --- class: top ### Step 2 Detour: The Program Model. We think of a program as something that
. To
data, we operate on the variables. - We will allow comparisons $<, >, =$, and basic arithmetic operations ($+$, $-$, $\times$, $\div$, $mod$). - E.g. $value = value + 1$ will take $value$ and increment it by $1$. --- class: top ### Step 2: Back at it. Our input: - $L$ : The list of numbers being scanned. - $k$ : The size of the list (or number of values). --- class: top ### Step 2: Declare our program variables: - $m$ : The maximum value so far. - $i$ : Index into the list. -- We will set $m = l_0$ and $i = 1$. --- class: top ### Step 3: Finally, the computation: 1. Compare $m$ with $l_i$. -- 2. If $m < l_i$, then update $m$ by setting $m = l_i$. -- 3. Then to scan the next element, we set $i = i + 1$. --- class: top ### Done scanning? - Done _after_ we have scanned $l_{k - 1}$ (remember this is the last element!). - This happens when $i = k$. So when we realise $i = k$, we stop. $m$ now contains the maximum element of $L$. -- (Pop quiz: Why when $i = k$ and not $i = k - 1$?). --- class: top ### Think about what $i$ represents: .fit[ ![:scale 45%](../notes/figures/lec01/trace0.png) ] This is our initial program state. --- class: top ### Think about what $i$ represents: .fit[ ![:scale 45%](../notes/figures/lec01/trace1.png) ] After one iteration. --- class: top ### Think about what $i$ represents: .fit[ ![:scale 45%](../notes/figures/lec01/trace2.png) ] After another iteration. --- class: top ### Think about what $i$ represents: .fit[ ![:scale 50%](../notes/figures/lec01/trace3.png) ] After the final iteration. --- class: top ### Think about what $i$ represents: .fit[ ![:scale 25%](../notes/figures/lec01/trace3.png) ] Notice: The variable $i$ represents the total number of scanned elements. -- E.g. When $i = 2$, $m$ is the max of the first $2$ elements. -- So when $i = k$, $m$ is the max of the first $k$ elements (i.e. all of them). --- class: top ### To summarize: - Given list of numbers $L$, of size $k$. - Set $m = l_0$, and $index = 1$. - Update $m$ to be the larger of $m$ and $l_i$. - Increment $i$. - Stop when $i = k$. --- class: top background-color: white ### Here's how you can picture it with a flowchart. .fit[![](../notes/figures/max-flowchart/max-flowchart-pdf-0.png)] -- Let's try going through the flowchart. --- class: top ### Did you notice? We've not done any C but we're quite close to having a program. --- class: top ### These steps to solve a computational problem form the _algorithm_. -- The algorithm is how you _describe_ the solution. In CS1010, we'll use C to _implement_ it. -- Note Bene: A good approach is to think of how to solve the problem conceptually first. And _then_ implement it in C. (We've done the conceptual solving today.) --- class: top ### How do we know the algorithm is correct? -- * Just because an algorithm outputs the correct value on some inputs, it does not necessarily mean it's correct. -- * For an algorithm to be correct it has to be correct on _all possible inputs_. --- class: top #### For example, outputting if a number is odd: .center[.fit[![:scale 70%](../notes/figures/lec01/incorrect1.png)]] --- class: top #### For example, outputting if a number is odd: .center[.fit[![:scale 70%](../notes/figures/lec01/incorrect2.png)]] --- class: top ### Later in the course: * Will cover methods on how to show correctness. * Will cover how to come up with good test cases. --- ### Homework (Preparing for labs) - Read and follow the instructions to log into your CS1010 [programming environment]( (PE) - Learn about using [Unix command line interface]( - Complete diagnostic quiz for PE - Due next Wednesday 2359 --- ### Important Note: Your labs should be done on the PE nodes because the environment is set up there. --- ### Homework (Lecture 1) - Complete diagnostic quiz for Lecture 1 - Due next Wednesday 2359 - Problem Set 2.1 to 2.3 - Not graded. To be discussed Week 3. --- class: center, middle # Thank You!