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Unit 5: First C Program

In this unit, we will write and compile your first C program. You have already learned, conceptually, what is a variable, what is a type and what is a function. Let's see how we apply these concepts to C.

To start, let's look at a simple snippet of C code:

int square(int x) 
  return x*x;

The code above defines a function named square. The word int appears before the name square. int is used to signify an integer type. Appearing before the name square tells the compiler that square is returning a value of type int.

After the word square, we write the parameters to the function in parenthesis ( and ). In between ( and ) is int x: x is the name of the parameter, int is the type of that parameter.

To summarize, in Line 1, int square(int x) defines a function named square that takes in an integer parameter x and is returning a value which is also an integer.

The next three lines are written in between curly brackets { and }. You will see these used a lot in C and other programming languages with C-like syntaxes, such as Javascript, C++, and Java. These curly brackets group a block of statements together. In this example, this block defines how the function square computes the square of x, and what it returns. This is sometimes called the body of a function.

In this function body, there is only one statement return x*x; within the block. A statement is a unit in a programming language that expresses either a command to be executed or declares a new variable or function. The word return says that this function square should return the following value, computed as x*x (x multiply by x). This statement is terminated by a semicolon ;.

You also see that the line that starts with return is indented. We use indentation extensively to indicate the body of a block. Since we can have nested blocks, indentation makes our code easier to read and understand.

The words int and return that appear above are keywords defined in the C programming language, and they are reserved for the special meaning that they represent (a type and a command to return a value from a function). We cannot repurpose keywords in C. For instance, we cannot introduce a variable called int.

We are now ready to write our first C program. The first program computes the square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle with a base of 4 and height of 3.

int square(int x) 
  return x*x;

int main() 
  int hypotenuse_square;

  hypotenuse_square = square(3) + square(4);
  return 0;

Remember that a C program consists of a bunch of functions, calling each other. The most important function is called main, and it is the entry point to the program. It is where the operating system will begin to execute the program. Every program must define exactly one function called main.

int main() 

main returns an integer to the operating system, to signal to the operating system whether the program exits successfully or not. In this case, we always return 0 (success) assuming that nothing goes wrong for simplicity. This is the second example where you see the keyword return in action.

In modern C, the main always return 0 when it exits. So, we will skip this statement return 0; from now on.

Variable Declaration

In the example above, you also see the lines

int hypotenuse_square;

This is declaration statement (terminated with a semicolon, again). Each statement declares a variable with its corresponding type (int here). We gave each variable a name, here we call the variable hypotenuse_square.

Remember that all variables must be declared with its corresponding type before used in C.

In C, a function must be either defined or declared before used as well. In the example above, we define square before main. If we switch the order of the two, the compiler will complain. Unless we declare the function first. Declaring a function means that we simply state the return type, the name, and the parameters, without the body. Here is an example:

int square(int x); // declaring the function square

int main() 
  int hypotenuse_square;

  hypotenuse_square = square(3) + square(4);
  return 0;

int square(int x)  // defining the function square
  return x*x;

Assignment Statement

The next line of the code shows an example of an assignment statement.

  hypotenuse_square = square(3) + square(4);

An assignment operator takes the form of:

  left_hand_side = right_hand_side;

The left_hand_side must be the name of a variable. We first evaluate the right_hand_side of the assignment statement, find its value, then put the value into the variable named on the left_hand_side.

Here, on the right-hand side, we call the function square, which we defined earlier. We call square with arguments 3 and 4 respectively. We use the operator + to add the two results together. The right-hand side should give the value 25, which we then assign to the variable hypotenuse_square.

Note that we use = equal sign for assignment, NOT for checking equality. The C notation for checking for equality is == (we will come back to this later).


Before we move on, let's recap some concepts:

  • A C program consists of functions, invoking each other.
  • Each function is defined by its returned type, followed by its name, its parameter(s) (within a pair of parenthesis) and its body (within a pair of curly brackets).
  • Each function must be defined or declared before it is used.
  • The function body consists of one or more statements. We have seen assignment statements (using the = operator) and return statements, using return as the keyword.
  • Each variable must be declared before it is used. A declaration starts with its type followed by its name.

Example 2

Let's change the program slightly, so that instead of computing the square of the hypotenuse, we compute the hypotenuse itself. Recall that we said C provides a bunch of predefined functions, include sqrt, which computes the square root of a given number. Since a square root of a number is not necessarily an integer, we need to use a variable with a type that can store a real number.

To represent real numbers, we commonly use the type float (which is short for a floating point number -- named so due to how a real number is represented in bits). A float type can store 32 bits. To double the precision (64 bits), we can use the type double. A long double type can store either 80-bits or 128-bits, depending on the implementation.

But which one does sqrt returns? To find out the exact specification of a pre-defined function, we can consult the manual (or man for short) pages for the function.

If you type man sqrt on the command line (or place the cursor on sqrt in vim and type K in command mode), you will see that the sqrt method has the following specification:

double sqrt(double x);

The sqrt function returns a double precision real number. We can now modify the program above to the following:

double sqrt(double x); // not recommended

long square(long x) 
  return x*x;

double hypotenuse_of(long base, long height) 
  return sqrt(square(base) + square(height));

int main() 
  hypotenuse_of(3, 4);

Note that the first line declares the function sqrt, because we need to declare a function before it is used. Since sqrt is pre-defined elsewhere, we do not have to supply the function body here. Such practice of declaring a predefined function ourselves, however, is not recommended. Different platform, compilers, libraries, may provide a different specification for the same function. As such, it is better to use the declaration from the library that provides the predefined function itself. A library usually provides one or more header files, a set of files that contain function declarations, type definitions, and constant definitions. In the case of sqrt, its declaration is contained in a header file called math.h (which we found out through consulting the man pages). To include this file, you add the line #include <math.h> at the top of the program.

#include <math.h>

long square(long x) 
  return x*x;

double hypotenuse_of(long base, long height) 
  return sqrt(square(base) + square(height));

int main() 
  hypotenuse_of(3, 4);

You might notice the same line appear in the man page for sqrt. Thus, the man pages tell us which header file to include if you want to use a certain function.

File Extension

The convention for file extension for a C program is .c and for a C header file is .h. Even though you are allowed to name the files with any extension you like, you should stick to the convention so that it is clear to other tools/programmers what is the purpose of each file.

Other Types in C

An int variable is usually 32-bits long. If we only need 16 bits, we use the type short int, or just short. If we only need 8-bits, we use the type char (short for character).

Note that in the above, I said an int is usually 32 bits. Remember (from Unit 1 that a C program gets compiled into machine code for a specific CPU architecture. The C standard only guarantees that an int is at least 16 bits. Although most C compilers compile int to 32 bits, there is no guarantee!

If we need something more than an int, we can use long int, or just long. The C standard guarantees that a long is at least 32 bits. Depending on the implementation, it sometimes compiled to 32-bits, sometimes 64-bits. To get even longer, we can use the type long long int, or just long long, which is guaranteed to be at least 64 bits1.

Signed vs. Unsigned

We have seen earlier that the same sequence of bits, if interpreted as signed or unsigned, would result in a different value. By default, all types in C refer to signed types. If you want a variable that holds only non-negative integers, you can add the keyword unsigned to the front of the type. Doing so would mean that the range of values you can store in the variable is doubled, without adding more bits (since the bit used to present the + or - sign is no longer needed).

For instance, since we know that square can only return a non-zero integer, we can actually declare it as:

unsigned long square(long x) 
  return x*x;

For most practical purposes in CS1010, a (signed) long suffices. We introduce the notion of signed vs. unsigned for your information so that you know what they are when you come across them in others source code. Mixing signed and unsigned can lead to subtle bugs in your code. As such, we will only use signed long for CS1010. You may choose to use them appropriately in another context, especially for embedded system or low-level programming.

Unsigned Real Numbers?

There are no unsigned versions of float and double. To understand the reason, we have to go further into how floating points numbers are represented in bits. That is a topic for another module.


Since the number of bits for int, long, and long long could differ, in order to write a C program that is portable (i.e., works on different platforms, architecture, operating systems), we have two options:

  • Do not write a program that assumes a specific number of bits is used for a certain type, or
  • Use the type defined in the header file stdint.h: int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t, int64_t, uint64_t. The suffix _t is a convention to indicate that this is a customized type (more on this in later units). The prefix u indicates that the type is an unsigned type. The numbers 8, 16, 32, and 64 indicate the number of bits for each type. Thus, uint32_t is guaranteed to be of size 32 bits, and can hold unsigned integer values from 0 to 2^{32}-1.

Problem Set 5

Problem 5.1

In the example above, sqrt is declared to take in a parameter of type double . But the argument that we pass in is the sum of two int, which is also an int. Would this result in an error?

Problem 5.2

Consider the following alternative definition of square

??? square(uint16_t x) {
    return x*x;

What should the return type of this square be, in order for the return type to be big enough to store all possible value for x*x?

  1. Adding more long does not make the integer longer, i.e., there is no long long long int