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Unit 12: Reasoning About Loops

Using Assertions

We have seen how we can use assertions to reason about the state of our program at different points of execution for conditional if-else statements. We can apply the same techniques to loops. Take the simple program below:

long count(long n) {
  long y = 0;
  long x = n;
  while (x > 0) {
    // line A
    x -= 1;
    // line B
    if (x % 5 == 0) {
      // line C
      y += 1;
  // line D
  return y;

Before we continue, study this program and try to analyze what the function is counting and returning.

To do this more systematically, we can use assertions. Let's ask ourselves: what can be said about the variables x and y at Lines A, B, C? Let starts with x first.

  • Line A is the first line after entering the loop, so we can reason that to enter the loop (the first time or subsequent times), x > 0 and x <= n (since we initialize the x to n).
  • At Line B, we decrease x by 1, so x >= 0 && x < n must be true.
  • At Line C, x % 5 == 0 (i.e., x is multiple of 5) must also be true (since it is in the true block of the if block).
  • At Line D, we already exit from the loop, and the only way to exit here is that x > 0 is false. So we know that x <= 0.

Let's annotate the code with the assertions:

long count(long n) {
  long y = 0;
  long x = n;
  while (x > 0) {
    // { x > 0 && x <= n }
    x -= 1;
    // { (x >= 0) && (x < n) }
    if (x % 5 == 0) {
      // { (x >= 0) && (x < n) && x is multiple of 5 }
      y += 1;
  // { x <= 0 }
  return y;

What can be said about y? It should be clear now that we increment y for every value between 0 and n-1 (inclusive) that is a multiple of 5, based on the condition on Line C. That is, it is counting the number of multiple of 5s between 0 and n-1.

Loop Invariant

In the last unit, we say that there are actually five questions that we have to think about when designing loops. The fifth question is: what is the loop invariant? A loop invariant is an assertion that is true before the loop, during the loop, and after the loop. Thinking about the loop invariant is helpful to convince ourselves that a loop is correct, or to identify bugs in a loop.

Let's see an example of a loop invariant. Consider the example of calculating a factorial using a loop as before. To make the invariant simpler, let's tweak the loop slightly and start looping from i equals 1 up to n.

long factorial(long n) 
  if (n == 0) {
      return 1;
  long product = 1;
  long i = 1;
  // Line A
  while (i < n) {
    i += 1;
    product *= i;
    // Line B
  // Line C
  return product;

The loop invariant for each line A, B, and C are the same:

long factorial(long n) 
  if (n == 0) {
      return 1;
  long product = 1;
  long i = 1;
  // A: { product == i! }
  while (i < n) {
    i += 1;
    product *= i;
    // B: { product == i! }
  // C: { product == i! }
  return product;

In Line A, the assertion is obvious. Let's look at Line B. Since, at the beginning of the loop (before Line 10) we have product == i!, after Line 10, we have product == (i-1)! (since we have incremented i). After Line 11, we have product == i * (i - 1)! == i! again. The assertion remains true once we exit the loop.

The key here is that after we exit the loop, we can also assert that i == n, and so combining product == i! && i == n we have product == n!, which is what we want.

Problem Set 12

Problem 12.1

long i = 10;
long j = 0;
while (i != 0) {
    i -= 1;
    j += 1;

(a) Trace through the program. What is the value of j when the loop exits?

(b) Do you recognize any pattern on the relationship of i and j?

(C) What is the loop invariant?